Problem to be solved: to provide a method of aquaculture of cultured fish, which can be used to make the taste of the fish meat without any large changes in the original taste of the fish, and to taste the flavor of the fish and the flavor of the fish.Solution: as a cultured fish, a mixed feed feed containing a mixture of squeezed residue after mixing the fruit juice of the sea urchin, the sea bream, the Japanese Red sea bream, or the Japanese cedar, which is made from fish powder as the main raw material, is squeezed by the centrifuge type squeezing machine with the fruit of the layer of the lamellae It is characterized by feeding the fish for a specified period of time before bathing.Diagram【課題】ヒラミレモンの搾汁残渣を利用して、魚肉本来の味を大きく変えることなく、魚肉にヒラミレモンの風味・香りが乗り、魚臭さを抑え、美味しさを感じることができる養殖魚の養殖方法を提供すること。【解決手段】養殖魚として、ハマフエフキ、マダイ、ハタ、又はスギを対象とし、魚粉を主原料とする海水魚用配合飼料に、ヒラミレモンの果実を果皮付きのまま遠心分離式搾汁機により搾汁した後の搾汁残渣を混合して成形した搾汁残渣混合成形飼料を、養殖魚の水揚げ前の所定期間給餌することを特徴とする。【選択図】 図6