The invention relates to a method of producing a bakeryproduct which comprises a baked item having at leastone underside, which is formed by at least one,preferably at least essentially planar, surface, havingan upper side, which is formed by at least one,preferably at least essentially planar, surface, andhaving at least one side surface, which connects theupper side and the underside to one another, wherein asub-region of the underside of the baked item isprovided with a coating. In order to specify a methodwhich makes it possible to coat just an undersidesub-region which extends over the entire width of theunderside the intention is for a first sub-region ofthe underside, which extends over the entire width, butonly over part of the longitudinal extent, to be coatedand for a second sub-region of the underside, whichextends in particular over the entire width, but onlyover part of the longitudinal extent, to remainuncoated in the form of a grip region, wherein, forcoating purposes, use is made of a mould, in which abath of not yet set coating substance is provided,wherein the baked item has that sub-region of thepartial-coat underside which is to be coated dippedinto the not yet set coating substance and then thecoating substance is set, in particular by cooling, andthus forms the coating, wherein the underside of thebaked item, which is to be coated, is oriented at anangle a between 1° and 20° in relation to the originalsurface of the bath of the not yet set coatingsubstance at least during the operation of setting thenot yet set coating substance.