A cryoprobe having a working tip formed of two coaxial flexible internal andexternaltubular lines, wherein the cross-section diameter of the internal line issubstantially smallerthan the cross-section diameter of the external line, and the length isslightly smaller than thelength of the external line. The external line ends with a top closing theworking tip of thecryoprobe, while the end of the internal line is open, and there are openingsevenlydistributed across the circumference on at least half of the section of theinternal line. On thesection from the handle to the end located under the top, a resistance wire isspirally woundon the internal line, wherein the distance between the wall of the externalline and the wall ofthe internal line is larger than the diameter of the resistance wire. On theexternal line, nofurther from the top located on the top of the working tip than 1/3 of thelength thereof, thereis a temperature sensor connected to the handle by a power line. External andinternal linescorresponding to the external and internal lines come out from the working tipoutside thehandle, wherein the external and internal lines together with the harness ofpower lines and,insulated with an insulating hose, are connected from the handle to the unitsupplying air andliquid nitrogen at low pressure of up to 0.5 bars using a pump system.