It is an object of the present invention to provide an oral composition capable of effectively promoting the remineralization of the tooth, even though it is effective in promoting the remineralization of excellent teeth and only staying in the oral cavity for a short time.(a) the oral composition comprising more than 60% of the organic acid calcium salt, (b) fluoride, and (c) amino acid residues combined with the basic peptide and / or basic protein, which is a basic amino acid residue, dramatically promotes the remineralization of the tooth by the synergistic effect of these components It is possible to effectively promote the remineralization of the tooth only by staying in the oral cavity for a short time.本発明の目的は、優れた歯牙の再石灰化の促進効果を有し、口腔内で短時間滞留させるだけでも、歯牙の再石灰化を効果的に促進できる口腔用組成物を提供することである。 (A)有機酸カルシウム塩、(B)フッ化物、並びに(C)構成アミノ酸残基の60%以上が塩基性アミノ酸残基である塩基性ペプチド及び/又は塩基性タンパク質を組み合わせて配合した口腔用組成物は、これらの成分の相乗効果によって歯牙の再石灰化を飛躍的に促進でき、口腔内で短時間滞留させるだけでも、歯牙の再石灰化を効果的に促進できる。