The ketogenic diet has therapeutic implications in manydisease states. Ketone precursor supplementation can elevate blood ketonelevels to therapeutic ranges (2-7mM) without need for dietary restriction.The effects of ketogenic agents were tested on blood glucose, ketones, andlipids with a 28-day dose escalation study in rats using R,S-1,3-Butandiol(BD), acetoacetate ketone ester (KE), and control (H2O) via daily 5g/kgintragastric gavage, based on previous toxicology studies. Once weekly,whole blood samples were acquired for analysis of glucose and .beta.HB selecttimepoints after test substance administration, or until .beta.HB returned tobaseline. Significant elevation of blood ketone was observed with asignificant inverse relationship with blood glucose for the duration of theexperiment. Whole blood was collected to measure triglycerides, totalcholesterol,and HDL concentration, with no significant changes identified. There weresignificant reductions in body weight when treated animals were comparedto control.