The present invention pertains to a pharmaceutical composition that contains ozagrel or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof as an active ingredient and that is for treating dry eye associated with Sjogrens syndrome. The pharmaceutical composition of the present invention has a strong tendency to persist even after administration of an eye drop of a general therapeutic agent (e.g., artificial tears, etc.) for dry eye, and exhibits particularly excellent therapeutic effect for treating disorders of the conjunctiva epithelium and the cornea related to dry eye associated with Sjogrens syndrome. Thus, the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is useful as a pharmaceutical composition for treating dry eye associated with Sjogrens syndrome.本發明係關於一種含有奧紮格雷(Ozagrel)或其藥理學上容許之鹽作為有效成分之伴隨休格倫氏症候群之乾眼症的治療用醫藥組成物。本發明之醫藥組成物於對滴用一般之乾眼症治療藥(例如人工淚液等)後,仍有較強殘存傾向之伴隨休格倫氏症候群之乾眼症之角膜及結膜上皮損傷的治療中,發揮尤為優異之治療效果。因此,本發明之醫藥組成物作為伴隨休格倫氏症候群之乾眼症的治療用醫藥組成物有用。