The utility model relates to medicine, to the section of neurology and neuropsychology and can be applied in the departments of neurorehabilitation of neurological and neurosurgical clinics during group sessions on the restoration of counting operations in patients with a neurological clinic with aculculia.The utility model contains a round lid-shaped body made of plastic (1) with an outer diameter of 110-160 mm and a height of 7-12 mm, while a working plate made of metal with magnetic properties is rigidly fixed on the inner surface of the casing bottom (1) ( 2) with a thickness of 0.5-1 mm, the shape and diameter of which corresponds to the shape and diameter of the bottom of the housing (1), and the marking plate on the surface of the working plate (2) is painted with dark paint and forms 2-4 sectors on its surface (3 ), on which counting elements are installed (4), Representing a metal coins of different denominations.Thus, the claimed “magnetic-coin simulator”, due to its design features, allows group patients to restore counting operations in various conditions to carry out patients with a neurological clinic, allowing the formation of an unlimited number of new tasks of varying degrees of complexity using real objects - metal coins of different denominations.The inventive "magnetic-coin simulator" contributes to improving the recovery efficiency of counting operations, since in the course of classes social factors influence the mental sphere of patients through the mechanisms of a small social group.Полезная модель относится к медицине, к разделу неврологии и нейропсихологии и может найти применение в отделениях нейрореабилитации неврологических и нейрохирургических клиник при проведении групповых занятий по восстановлению счетных операций у больных неврологической клиники с акалькулией.Полезная модель содержит выполненный из пластика корпус (1) круглой крышкообразной формы, внешний диаметр которого составляет 110-160 мм, высота 7-12 мм, при этом на внутренне