The cheek pocket anchor, formed of a resilient filament, fits within a users cheek pouch. The anchor dynamically spans a users inter-occlusal space and lip opening as a users jaws open and close. The anchor can be formed of inter-connected, adjustable loops to enable user adjustment of its whole span. It can stabilize a work piece, such as an airway, in a users mouth. The cheek path airway fits a path between a users lips and through the users cheek pouch and rear-jaw gap, avoiding the users bite. It provides supplemental air to a users rear-mouth cavity independently of a users nasal airways while a users lips remain closed. It can be used in combination with mandibular jaw-control and tongue-control devices whereby the combination mitigates breathing restrictions in a users nasal and throat airways. It can be manufactured in-line and folded by a user to fit the users cheek pathway.