1. The device of the power supply and control system of the bactericidal irradiator, containing a network connection unit and a power and control unit with a control gear, characterized in that between the power supply and control unit of the power supply and control unit, a turn-on delay unit and a gas-discharge operating time setting unit are connected in series lamps, while the power supply and control unit is equipped with a sensor for monitoring the operation of a gas-discharge lamp and a gas-discharge lamp hour counter, in addition, the network connection unit is made in the form of a rotary switch connected in series with normally open contacts, equipped with a lock, an emergency push-button switch with normally closed contacts, a push-button a switch with normally open contacts and a starting relay, whose normally open contacts are connected parallel to the normally open contacts of the pushbutton switch. 2. The device of the power supply and control system of the bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the turn-on delay unit is made in the form of a time relay with a turn-on delay, the normally open contacts of which are included in the electrical circuit of the network connection unit. The device of the power supply and control system of the bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the block-setter of the operating time of the gas-discharge lamp is made in the form of a time relay with a shutdown delay, the normally closed contacts of which are included in the electrical circuit of the network switching unit. The device of the power supply and control system of the bactericidal irradiator according to claim 1, characterized in that the power supply and control unitПолезная модель относится к средствам дезинфекции с использованием ультрафиолетового излучения, а именно к бактерицидным облучателям открытого типа, и направлена на повышение надежности и безопасности обеззараживания воздуха и загрязненных по