A surgical operating table (1), which is intended for shoulder operations orsurgicalprocedures performed on a similar part of the body. The surgical tablecomprises aplatform (2) for the patient and an adjustment pedestal portion (3) with theplatform(2) rested thereupon. The platform (2) has preferably a plurality of sections(21, 22,23), which are connected to each other and capable of being pivoted at leastin verticalplane, and upon which the patient is rested while a surgical procedure isperformed.These sections include a back support (23), which comprises a basic backsection (4), a middle back section (5) protruding therefrom, and two shouldersections(6; 6a, 6b) disposed on either side of the middle back section (5) andreleasablysecured to the basic back section (4) by means of attachment elements (7).Accordingto the invention, the attachment elements (7) comprise first and secondattachmentelements (7a, 7b), such that the shoulder section (6; 6a, 6b) is providedwith first attachment elements (7a), which comprise an inclined protrusion(62) and,in engagement therewith, a gutter (63) which is disposed at an end (61) of theshouldersection, and the basic back section (4), particularly sides (40; 40a, 40b) ofthebasic back section, are provided with second attachment elements (7; 7b)comprisinga frame portion (71), a rod (72), and a gap (73) therebetween. In a securingprocess of the shoulder section (6; 6a, 6b), the inclined protrusion (62) ofthe first attachmentelements (7a) is pushed into the gap (73) while the shoulder section is atan inclined angle relative to the basic back section's plane in such a waythat the rod(72) finds the gutter (63) of the protrusion (62) and is supported therein,which is followedby pivoting the shoulder section (6) from the inclined angle to a positioncoplanarwith the basic back section (4) and the middle back section (5) with the rod(72)constituting