By using the specific ratio of endopeptidase (E.C. and carboxypeptidase (E.C., the soy slurry could be hydrolyzed into small molecular weight peptides. Saccharomyces were then co-cultured with these hydrolysates to eliminate the carbonhydrate contents. These fermented mixtures were then processed through filtration, concentration and spray drying to become dry peptide powders. These powders were proved to possess good ACE inhibition ability and could be used in health food for lowering high blood pressure.本發明係大豆為原料,先以蛋白質分解酵素endopeptidase(E.C.內切肽酶)與carboxypeptidase(E.C.外切肽酶)作用,之後再添加酵母菌去除醣類,最終再加熱萃取並過濾後濃縮,而得到此一大豆胜肽,在經過人體使用證實具有調解血壓之效果。