A tinnitus-prevention noise-reduction earplug includes an earplug body formed by a piece of soft plastic object and arranged therein at least one guide tube with a tiny caliber. The caliber of the guide tube is in a range of 0.2 to 1.8 mm (0.02 to 0.18 cm). The guide tube is hollow with its two ends being opened. The guide tube keeps a tiny air channel in the earplug body so as to allow air to pass through and keep an air pressure balance inside and outside the auditory meatus, thereby assisting users in eliminating body discomfort and tinnitus phenomenon. At the same time, because only a little external sound is allowed to enter the inner auditory meatus via the tiny air channel, most but not complete of the environmental sound is blocked, so that users do not worry about loss of communication with outside world. The earplug is particularly suitable for users who have difficulty in falling asleep due to snoring.