13 protein extract from the mushroom and 1 protein extract from the mycelium showed antibacterial activity against R. solanacearum showed in various tests. In addition, the A. phalloides protein fraction also fully inhibited the growth of bacteria. The extracts and fractions showed not only a strong antibacterial activity, but also showed bactericidal effects more often than bacteristatic. In vivo testing of the five selected extracts on tomato and potato plants led to the conclusion that extracts of C. geotropa, S. variegatus and T. saponaceum inhibit the appearance of disease signs and slow down bacterial wilt both on tomato and potato plants. Mushroom extracts are such an important tool for inhibiting diseases caused by bacterium R. solanacearum. In addition, the inhibition of 12 R solanacearum strains, as well as R. mannitolilytica and E. coli, is very important in confirming a wide spectrum of action of mushroom protein extracts, which is useful in the fields of medicine, biotechnology, bioremediation / biodegradability and agriculture.13 beljakovinskih ekstraktov iz gob in 1 beljakovinski ekstrakt iz micelija so pokazali protibakterijsko aktivnost proti R. solanacearum pokazala v različnih testih. Poleg tega je proteinska frakcija A. phalloides tudi popolnoma inhibirana rast bakterij. Ekstrakti in frakcije so prikazali ne le močno protibakterijsko aktivnost, ampak so tudi bolj pogosto prikazali baktericiden učinek kot bakteristatičen. In vivo testiranje petih izbranih ekstraktov na rastlinah paradižnika in krompirja je pripeljalo dozaključkov, da ekstrakti C. geotropa, S. variegatus in T. saponaceum zavirajo pojav bolezenskih znamenj in upočasni bakterijsko venenje tako na rastlinah paradižnika kot krompirja. Ekstrakti gob so tako pomembno orodje za zaviranje bolezni, ki jih povzroča bakterija R. solanacearum. Poleg tega zaviranje 12 R solanacearum sevov kot tudi R. mannitolilytica in E. coli zelo pomembno potrjuje širok spekter delovanja gobjih proteinskih ek