The present disclosure relates to intraductal methods and compositions for inducing immune response in subjects having breast cancer. The intraductally administered compositions comprise one or more bioactive agents capable of inducingin situmaturation of antigen presenting cells and migration of mature antigen presenting cells to lymph nodes. The intraductal methods and compositions induce the activation of effector immune cells, and augment tumor cell death.本發明係關於用於誘發患有乳癌之個體中免疫反應之管內方法及組合物。該等經管內投與之組合物包括一或多種生物活性劑,能夠誘發抗原呈遞細胞之原位成熟及成熟抗原呈遞細胞遷移至淋巴結。該等管內方法及組合物誘發效應免疫細胞之活化,且增加腫瘤細胞死亡。