Method removes undesirable substance and object, such as metabolism waste product, polluter, dust and cosmetics residue, from Vitrea eye and its method of manufacturing technology
Prostředek k odstraňování nežádoucích substancí a předmětů je tvořen funkční částí (1) z porézního polymeru, zejména z hydrofilního polymeru, která je uzpůsobena svým tvarem pro neagresivní dotyk s čištěnou oblastí oka a svou porozitou pro pojmutí netoxické a nedráždivé kapaliny.The means for the removal of undesired substances and objects according to the present invention consists of a functional part (1) of porous polymer, particularly of hydrophilic polymer, which part shape is adapted for non-aggressive contact with the cleaned area of an eye and, due to its porosity, to hold a non-toxic and non-irritating liquid.