adjustable wheelchair allows adjusting the height of the sedalnega part (26).allows the formation of a bed or seat with poljubnimi angles adjustment of the base plate (18) and a part (27). allows arbitrary height adjustment sedalnega part (26) in the direction (sv).the essential feature is that, in the direction of (sh), allows simultaneous movement of the base plate sedalnega part (25) and the swivel wheels (31) so that the base plate sedalnega setting part (25).through a mechanical link, at the same time, are also vrtljivakolesa (31).in this way, we allow the assembly to nasedu prostodrse\u010dega (spd), on the edge of the bed, the pressure (p) on the base plate sedalnega part (25).the sedalnega part (25) pushed through the bed (p), but at the same time, because of the mechanical transmission, the parallel moving and rotating wheels (31).bearing the weight of the flexible of the wheelchair by the person carrying it.the centre of gravity of the wheelchair with a flexible person stays always in the cross-section between the vrtljivimikolesi (31).Prilagodljiv invalidski voziček omogoča prilagoditev višine sedalnega dela (26). Omogoča tvorbo ravne postelje ali sedišča s poljubnimi koti nastavitve naslona (18) in osnovne plošče nožnega dela (27). Omogoča nastavitev poljubne višine sedalnega dela (26), v smeri (SV). Bistvena funkcija pa je ta, da, v smeri (SH), omogoča hkraten pomik osnovne plošče sedalnega dela (25) ter vrtljivih koles (31) tako, da s pomikom osnovne plošče sedalnega dela (25), preko mehanske zveze, obenem pomikamo tudi vrtljivakolesa (31). Na ta način omogočimo, da pri nasedu prostodrsečega povezovalnega sklopa (SPD), na rob postelje (P), zaradi pritiska na osnovno ploščo sedalnega dela (25), ploščo sedalnega dela (25) potisnemo preko postelje (P), obenem pa se, zaradi mehanskih prenosov, vzporedno premaknejo tudi vrtljiva kolesa (31), ki nosijo celotno maso prilagodljivega invalidskega vozička z osebo, ki jo prevažamo z njim, težišče prilagodljivega