ABSTRACT A baby monitoring system used for continuous monitoring of the babies in NICU to create a virtual comprehensive environment in tracking the neonates condition and to give an alarm to a doctors phone and nursing station. The cry, facial expression and baby body patterns are recorded through a voice recorder/ Microphone and webcam/ Wi-Fi enabled camera. The vital parameters such as Heart rate (HRV), Oxygen Saturation (SpCb) and temperature is monitored non-invasively through wireless band. The microphone, camera and the sensor band is clubbed as a sensing unit which senses cry, facial expression and vital parameters at incubator/ warmer. The transmitter in the sensing unit transmits the recording for processing of the data to processing modules. The processing unit compares the cry signal, expression of the baby and vital parameters with the standards. Any deviation from the standards the processing unit transmits an alarm to Nursing station and the doctor through a central nursing station and internet. Thus, establishing a virtual comprehensive environment for neonatal monitoring unit.