The invention relates to a medical device and to the use thereof for performing laser surgery, such as tissue excision, vaporization, cutting, coagulation and hemostasis. According to the invention, the medical device consists of a laser module (1) comprising a silicon fiber (11) doped with the rare metal thulium which is continuously excited, upon activation, by a diode, emitting a laser wave which is transmitted by means of the fibre (11), an indicator laser module (10) emitting a low power laser wave in order to facilitate the determination of the place of action, a collimator (6) which takes over and concentrates the two laser waves in a perfect alignment to further transmit them to a coupling (7) having the role of additionally concentrating the two laser waves at a diameter corresponding to a working fiber (8) which is introduced into the working channel of an endoscopic or surgical device and used in the desired surgical intervention, and a cooling module (3) having the role of taking over the excess heat generated by the laser module (1), where the three modules: the laser module (1), the indicator laser module (10) and the cooling module (3) are controlled by a control module (2) provided with some control and adjusting elements (5) and actuated by an activation pedal (9).Invenţia se referă la un dispozitiv medical şi la utilizarea acestuia pentru efectuarea unor intervenţii chirurgicale cu laser, cum ar fi, de exemplu, excizie de ţesuturi, vaporizare de ţesuturi, tăiere de ţesuturi, coagulare şi hemostază. Dispozitivul medical conform invenţiei este constituit dintr-un modul (1) laser, alcătuit dintr-o fibră (11) de siliciu dopată cu metalul rar thulium, care este excitat în mod continuu, la activare, de o diodă, emiţând o undă laser care se transmite prin intermediul fibrei (11), dintr-un modul (10) laser indicator, care emite o undă laser de putere mică, având rolul de a facilita determinarea locului în care se doreşte a se acţiona, un colimator (6) c