Because the tomography device of this invention in order when tangential line direction of the relative movement for the one-sided other suffering inspection body of the lighting source detection expedient which consists of image pickup system has differed mutually, for each one of the lighting source detection expedient which consists of image pickup system to face to move inside the parallel aspect to the fault plane has drive expedient, even if, having in the contribution pixel, it averages the sensitivity dispersion even in datum level, and its vicinity it can improve the signal-noise ratio deterioration which originates in the sensitivity dispersion. For example, as the x-ray tube is adopted as lighting source, when the flat panel type x-ray detector is adopted as a detection expedient, when tangential line direction of the relative movement for the suffering inspection body M of the x-ray tube flat panel type x-ray detector has differed mutually, each one of the x-ray tube flat panel type x-ray detector faces moves inside the parallel aspect to the fault plane.この発明の断層撮影装置は、撮像系からなる照射源・検出手段の一方・他方の被検体に対する相対移動の接線方向が互いに異なった状態で、撮像系からなる照射源・検出手段のそれぞれが断層面に平行な面内で相対移動するように駆動手段を備えているので、たとえ基準面およびその近傍でも、寄与画素でもって感度バラツキを均し、感度バラツキに起因するS/N比劣化を改善することができる。例えば、照射源としてX線管を採用するとともに、検出手段としてフラットパネル型X線検出器を採用した場合には、X線管・フラットパネル型X線検出器の被検体Mに対する相対移動の接線方向が互いに異なった状態で、X線管・フラットパネル型X線検出器のそれぞれが断層面に平行な面内で相対移動する。