Fabry antibody fragments, especially with glycerol of the sixth kind of human, produce GPVI reduction performance;Drug synthesis containing FAB anti-GPVI antibody fragments;Polynucleosides for coding;2. Compilation method;1. Use it to avoid identifying the original antibody of a FAB antibody fragment;It is also used to prevent platelet activation and to mask the C terminal of this FAB fragment.
<;p>; Fab fragment of antibody that binds specifically to human glycoproteinance VI (GPVI) and induces a GPVI reduction phenotype; Pharmaceutical composition comprising said Fab fragments of anti-GPVI antibody; polynucleoacute; tido coding them; meacute; everything for its preparation; its use to prevent recognition of an antibody Fab fragment by preexisting antibodies; and its use to prevent platelet activation by masking the C-terminal of said Fab fragment. <;/p>;<;p>;Fragmento Fab de anticuerpo que se une especí;ficamente a la glicoproteí;na VI (GPVI) humana e induce un fenotipo de reducció;n de GPVI; composició;n farmacé;utica que comprende dichos fragmentos Fab de anticuerpo anti-GPVI; polinucleó;tido que los codifica; mé;todo para su preparació;n; su uso para evitar el reconocimiento de un fragmento Fab de anticuerpo por anticuerpos preexistentes; y su uso para evitar la activació;n plaquetaria mediante el enmascaramiento del C-terminal de dicho fragmento Fab.<;/p>;