1. A method microinvasive various dosage forms of glaucoma surgery, which consists in that the cut and otseparovyvayut conjunctiva and Tenons membrane from the limbus toward the equator of the eyeball exposed and incised parallel to the sclera at the limbus farther away from the notch the perforating tool is formed at a depth of 1 / 2 to 2/3 of the thickness of the sclera channel penetrating the anterior chamber angle and administered vystoyaniya therein drainage tube portion, and its valve portion is laid over the sclera, fixed thereto sutures and covered with a sheath Tenon conjunctiva, sections which are sealed absorbable sutures or biological glue, characterized in that the non-invasive incision of the sclera makes the equatorial zone of attachment Tenons membrane is introduced into the front end of the tubular part of the drainage in the anterior chamber angle bevel in the direction of the cornea and vystoyaniya not less than 1 mm, the rear end of the tubular portion fixed changeover suture to the sclera, fix the rear end of the drain valve one seam to sklere.2. A tubular drainage valve for carrying out the method according to claim 1, consisting of a tube and valve parts, characterized in that the tubular portion is circular or oval thin wall of a smooth or slippery superslippery elastic polymers, its ends are bevelled in the same plane at an angle of 45-60 degrees, and the valve portion is fitted on the rear end of the tubular portion and is formed from the thick smooth slippery elastic polymers in the form of a round tube having an inner diameter which is equal to or slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the tubular ca minute, it is provided with a central division multiple slits - one rear pope1. Способ микроинвазивной дозированной хирургии различных форм глаукомы, заключающийся в том, что разрезают и отсепаровывают конъюнктиву и тенонову оболочку от лимба к экватору глазного яблока, обнажают и надрезают склеру параллельно лимбу на удалении от него, о