In a therapeutic device for respiratory passages (1) for the treatment ofrespiratoryproblems, comprising at least one pipe section (3) which has at least onepassage duct(4) through which air (5) can be inhaled or exhaled and at least one elastichose (8) withits first free end (9) arranged on one free end on one of the pipe sections(3) and whichcan vibrate during inhalation or exhalation in one flow direction (6) becauseof thethroughflow, the hose (8) should be able to be exchanged in a straightforwardanduncomplicated procedure even by people with restricted finger mobility ormanualdexterity. This task is achieved in that the circumference of the first freeend (9) of thehose (8) is smaller than or equal to the circumference of the passage duct (4)of the freeend of the pipe section (3), that the width (b) of one of the long sides (14)of the first freeend (9) of the hose (8) is larger than the width or diameter (d) of thepassage duct (4),that areas of the hose (8) can be inserted into the passage duct (4) bycompressing thelong side (14) and that the hose (8) is held in the passage duct (4) by apreload forceafter having been inserted.