The astringent circumference of Bull Heart persimmon is required to be processed to remove astringent taste before being edible. In the second year when I was on the tramp, I sold the salt-soaked crisp persimmons via bicycle, and the container was the expandable polystyrene discarded by fishmongers in Zhong Miao Sunset Market. The leaking of expandable polystyrene after a period of time prompted me to come out with an idea of improving the leaking problem. After ruminating over the persimmon soaking theory, the experimental success led to a 13-day retail sale (two-day failure resulted in small-size persimmon and broken pulp, there was no any cause detected).牛心柿,四周柿屬澀柿需加工脫澀才能食用,因流浪第二年以自行車運銷鹽水浸泡脆柿,容器是中苗黃昏市場魚販棄保麗龍,一段時日後,保麗龍漏水,想改造漏水問題,思浸泡澀柿理論,而試驗成功零售壹拾參天(期中兩天失敗較小粒澀果,砍破,沒抓出原因)。