This invention is a dryer, which is characterized by two or more embodiments. According to the size of terrain, the quantity of dried food, etc., it is mainly through the cooperation of internal fans and heat source units, plus the design of each fan blade, through the setting of each fan blade on the mandrel, and then the heat source unit provides heat. The windward side of each fan blade is inclined due to The slant shape makes the heat of its pushing and rolling fill the holding room and evenly dry the food in the holding room.本創作一種烘乾機,其特徵在於具有兩種以上的實施例,根據地形的大小、烘乾食物之數量等,而其主要是透過內部所設置之風扇以及熱源機組的配合,再加上風扇之各扇葉上的設計,透過各扇葉於心軸部上的設置,再以熱源機組提供熱力,各扇葉的迎風面因呈傾斜狀使其推移捲送熱力充斥於容置室內,並對容置室內的食物進行均勻烘乾。