1. A medical device soderzhaschee- cannula (22) or another part, which must be installed subcutaneously in use, - a surface plate (1) on which the contact surface is provided with an opening (12B), which is passed through the cannula (22) or other subcutaneously placed frequently when using the medical device, u adhesive gasket (2) secured on the contact surface of the surface plate (1) providing a bonding surface plate (1) to the skin surface, and this adhesive gasket (2) soda zhit- first surface facing the contact surface area and having, with no possibility detachably connected with the contact surface by welding, and- a second surface facing towards the patients skin during use and having a region on which the applied glue is compatible with the skin, which can be fastened detachably on the patients skin, characterized in that the adhesive portion (30) has been placed between the contact surface of the surface plate (1) and the first surface of the adhesive gasket (2) in the region rA these two surfaces have been welded together, thus consolidating the non-welded area of the contact surface on the first poverhnosti.2. The medical device of claim 1 wherein said adhesive portion (30) comprises a part of the bilateral adhesive material, i.e. on each side of the adhesive portion (30) provided for adhesive coating, or adhesive portion (30) comprises a coating with glue, placed directly on the contact surface surface plate (1) or adhesive portion (30) comprises a coating of adhesive placed directly on the first behavior1. Медицинское устройство, содержащее- канюлю (22) или другую часть, которая должна быть установлена подкожно при использовании,- поверхностную пластину (1), на которой предусмотрена контактная поверхность с отверстием (12B), через которое пропускают канюлю (22) или другую подкожно устанавливаемую часть при использовании медицинского устройства, и- клеящую прокладку (2), закрепленную на контактной поверхности поверхностной пластины (1), обеспечивающую