The invention relates to the field of agricultural machinery and can be used in agricultural production.The technical effect achieved useful model is to expand the arsenal of cultivators for soil treatment. The claimed technical result is achieved in that the cultivator comprising a frame trailer is pivotally coupled to the frame side sections pivotally connected to the frame, working bodies attached to carrier beams of the side sections, wheels mounted in front of the working bodies, rollers and leveling harrows, mounted behind the working elements, wherein the rollers by means of levers movably mounted on the side sections and the side sections in the transport position are fixed on the trailer, according to the utility model the transport wheels cul ivatora secured to the frame, the wheels on the frame and side sections mounted for adjustment of tillage depth of penetration and the uniformity of working bodies controlled rollers.In this working elements uniformly arranged on the carrier frame beams and / or lateral sections of three or four rows. The working bodies can be embodied as S-shaped spring strut with universal paw. In this S-shaped spring strut working bodies are fixed on the carrier beams of the frame by brackets. The working bodies can be embodied as a C-shaped stand with a universal paw. Thus C-shaped working bodies rack fastened on the carrier beams of the frame by means of elastic cylindrical elements. Leveling harrows releasably fastened to the joists rollers. Harrows by a linkage adjustable in height relative to the rollers. In this case, the teeth harrows adjustable angle. 9 ZP f-ly, 18 yl.Полезная модель относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения и может применяться в сельскохозяйственном производстве.Техническим результатом, достигаемым полезной моделью, является расширение арсенала культиваторов для обработки почвы. Заявляемый технический результат достигается тем, что в культиваторе, содержащем раму, прицеп, шарнирно соединенны