Techniques are provided for use with implantable cardiac stimulation devices equipped for multi-site left ventricular (MSLV) cardiac pacing. Briefly, intraventricular and interventricular conduction delays are detected for paced cardiac events. Maximum pacing time delays are determined for use with MSLV pacing where the maximum pacing time delays are set based on the conduction delays to values sufficient to avoid capture problems due to wavefront propagation, such as fusion or lack of capture. MSLV pacing delays are then set to values no greater than the maximum pacing delays and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is delivered using the MSLV pacing delays. In an example where an optimal interventricular pacing delay (VV) is determined in advance using intracardiac electrogram-based or hemodynamic-based optimization techniques, the optimal value for VV can be used as a limiting factor when determining the maximum MSLV pacing time delays.