the present invention relates to a method of combating weeds u043f u0430 u0440 u0430 u0437 u0438 u0442 u043d u044b u043c u0438 inclusive of a master, weeds and / or their place of herb u0446 u0438 u0434 u043d u044b u0445 compounds or compositions comprising one, two or three inhibitor (s) u0430 u0446 u0435 u0442 u043e u043b u0430 u043a u0442 u0430 u0442 u0441 u0438 u043d u0442 u0430 u0437 u044b (als) and one, two, or three plant growth regulator (s) (PGR), which movement both modulators by ethylene.the present invention also relates to a method of improving the yield of agricultural crops, or of a plant host, and / or their place u0440 u0430 u0441 u043f u0440 u043e u0441 u0442 u0440 u0430 u043d u0435 u043d u0438 u044f mixtures consisting of the components as described here.the present invention also relates to u0433 u0435 u0440 u0431 u0438 u0446 u0438 u0434 u043d u044b u043c mixtures, comprising one, two or three inhibitors u0430 u0446 u0435 u0442 u043e u043b u0430 u043a u0442 u0430 u0442 u0441 u0438 u043d u0442 u0430 u0437 u044b (als) selected from u0438 u043c u0430 u0437 u0430 u043c u043e u043a u0441 u0430 or u0442 u0440 u0438 u0431 u0435 u043d u0443 u0440 u043e n - bromide, and one, two, or three plant growth regulator (PGR) selected from u043f u0440 u043e u0433 u0435 u043a u0441 u0430 u0434 u0438 u043e u043d u0430, u043f u0440 u043e u0433 u0435 u043a u0441 u0430 u0434 u0438 u043e u043d - calcium, u0442 u0440 u0438 u043d u0435 u043a u0441 u0430 u043f u0430 u043a u0430 or u0442 u0440 u0438 u043d u0435 u043a u0441 u0430 u043f u0430 u043a - ethyl, compositions, vc u043b u044e u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u043c the mixtureand their use for combating u043f u0430 u0440 u0430 u0437 u0438 u0442 u043d u044b u043c u0438 weeds.Настоящее изобретение относится к способу борьбы с паразитными сорняками, включающему нанесение на растение-хозяин, сорняки и/или место их распространения гербицидных смесей или композиций, включающих один, два или три ингибитор(ов)