The present invention provides an Ankylo accessory composite, which may achieve immediate imprinting and promote the application of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) in dental implantation technology. The Ankylo accessory composite according to the present invention comprises an Ankylo accessory and a threaded retaining element, in which the threaded retaining element may be configured on top of the Ankylo accessory. After the Ankylo accessory has been fixed on the implanted dental implant, the imprinting process may be immediately proceeded without waiting. The patient may immediately recover the masticatory function and the beauty of teeth with no need to wait for three to six months.本發明提供一種能夠立即印模的Ankylo附件複合體,此發明也可以促進電腦輔助設計和電腦輔助製造(CAD/CAM)技術在植牙科學中的應用。本發明中的Ankylo附件複合體包括一個Ankylo附件和一個螺紋固定元件,其中螺紋固定元件可以放置在Ankylo附件的頂部,將Ankylo附件固定在已經種植好的植體之上,隨後可進行立即印模,而無須等待。患者無需等待3至6個月的時間,可以立即恢復咀嚼功能和牙齒的美觀性。10‧‧‧Ankylo附件11‧‧‧頂端111‧‧‧插槽112‧‧‧內部通道12‧‧‧過渡適配器13‧‧‧環狀溝槽14‧‧‧Ankylo附件體部140‧‧‧錐形圓柱體141‧‧‧下側平面142‧‧‧肩部15‧‧‧連接器151‧‧‧階梯152‧‧‧嚙合爪16‧‧‧通孔70‧‧‧牙科植體71‧‧‧內部通道91‧‧‧六角孔92‧‧‧圓柱形頭部921‧‧‧梯級93‧‧‧柄部94‧‧‧螺栓95‧‧‧末端