There is disclosed a method of combiningmesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with a bone substrate. Inan embodiment, the method includes obtaining tissuehaving MSCs together with unwanted cells. The tissue isdigested to form a cell suspension having MSCs and un-wantedcells. The cell suspension is added to the sub-strate.The substrate is cultured to allow the MSCs to adhere.The substrate is rinsed to remove unwanted cells. Invarious embodiments, the tissue is adipose issue, muscletissue, or bone marrow tissue. In an embodiment, there isdisclosed an allograft product including a combination ofMSCs with a bone substrate in which the combination ismanufactured by culturing MSCs disposed on the sub-stratefor a period of time to allow the MSCs to adhere tothe substrate, and then rinsing the substrate to remove un-wantedcells from the substrate. Other embodiments arealso disclosed.