Development of a system \"skate\" and \"roll\" to overturn and kneading the stalks of agricultural crops patent of utility model consists of a gear to prolong the life of the tires of the equIpamentos moved by ploughing during and after the harvesting process, and also to homogenize the remaining straw process, making it decompose faster.Facilitating the process of planting the next crop, as well as to make the lodging (coverage) or the overthrow of any culture can be in conjunction with another operation or task.Adjusting the roller or roller in any equipment. The devices were designed containing a universal bearing (1). 0 the bearing (1) contains settings for easy transport.The floating arm (2) is developed to work at different times.The mechanical limit stop (3) limits the working position due to the torsion spring (4) to push the device profile against the ground.The front angle of the roller, prevents its locking and damage in advance instead of work. Its components are interchangeable, facilitating manufacture and maintenance.The gear roller, can be smooth or with the blades, has a cleaning system (5), when flat, which prevents the accumulation of debris in the drum (6).The sides are mancalizadas (7) to withstand the loads required in the operation.aperfeiçoamento de um sistema "patim" e "rolo" para derrubar e amassar os colmos de culturas agrícolas patente de modelo de utilidade consiste em um equipamento para prolongar a vida dos pneus dos equipamentos que circulam pela lavoura durante e após o processo de colheita, e também para homogeneizar a palha restante do processo, fazendo com que se decomponha mais rápido, facilitando o processo de plantio da cultura seguinte, bem como, para fazer o acamamento (cobertura) ou derrubada de qualquer cultura podendo ser no conjunto com outra operação ou tarefa, adaptando o rolo ou patins em qualquer equipamento. os dispositivos foram idealizados contendo um mancal universal (1). 0 mancal (1) contém regulagens para facili