The components of the biopesticide include: (a) a substrate active microbial strain, such as a substrate with a cell density of at least 1.0 × 106 CFU / ml; and (b) a substrate, which is used to stimulate the production of the substrate enzyme, a substrate based substance with a concentration between 0.1% and 10%. This ingredient is in the form of soluble or soluble dry powder, which is useful for the prevention or minimization of plant diseases related to nematodes.SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION BIOPESTICIDA QUE COMPRENDE A) UNA CEPA MICROBIANA CON ACTIVIDAD QUITINASA TAL COMO EL BACILLUS CHITINOSPORUS A UNA DENSIDAD CELULAR DE AL MENOS 1.0 X 106 CFU/ML; Y B) UN SUSTRATO QUE ESTIMULA LA PRODUCCION DE LA ENZIMA QUITINASA QUE ES UN MATERIAL A BASE DE QUITOSAN-QUITINA EN UNA CONCENTRACION DE ENTRE 0.1% Y 10%. DICHA COMPOSICION ESTA EN FORMA LIQUIDA O EN FORMA DE POLVO SECO SOLUBLE, SIENDO UTIL PARA PREVENIR O MINIMIZAR LA ENFERMEDAD DE LA PLANTA ASOCIADA CON NEMATODOS