There is disclosed a system (16) for drawing a wheeled passenger support (17) into a vehicle (10) and selectively restraining the passenger support against movement, and for controlling movement of the passenger support during unloading from the vehicle. The wheeled passenger support may particularly take the form of a wheelchair. One disclosed system comprises a winch (18) comprising a reel (20) and a flexible elongate winch element (22) wound on to the reel, in which the winch is adapted to be located within an interior of the vehicle; a drawing member (24) coupled to the flexible elongate winch element so that, on activation of the winch, the drawing member is pulled towards the winch; at least two restraints (26a, 26b) for the passenger support, the restraints being coupled to the drawing member and adapted for coupling to the passenger support so that, on activation of the winch, the passenger support is pulled towards the winch and so drawn into the vehicle; and a locking assembly (28) which is operable to restrain the drawing member, and the wheeled passenger support coupled to the drawing member, against movement in a direction away from the winch.L'invention concerne un système (16) pour tirer un support de passager sur roues (17) dans un véhicule (10) et empêcher sélectivement le support de passager de bouger, et pour commander le déplacement du support de passager pendant le déchargement du véhicule. Le support de passager sur roues peut en particulier prendre la forme d'un fauteuil roulant. Un système décrit comprend un treuil (18) comprenant une bobine (20) et un élément de treuil allongé flexible (22) enroulé sur la bobine, le treuil étant conçu pour être situé à l'intérieur du véhicule ; un élément de traction (24) accouplé à l'élément de treuil allongé flexible de telle sorte que, lors de l'activation du treuil, l'élément de traction est tiré vers le treuil ; au moins deux dispositifs de retenue (26a, 26b) pour le support de passager, les dispositifs