T. lt; P gt; present invention; oacute; n provides a single monoclonal antibody (e.g. human and human monoclonal antibodies) combined with human lymphocyte induced common action antibody, showing suitable functional characteristics in terms of treatment and amperage; eacute; utico, e.g, The ability to stimulate human activity. Tambi amp; eacute; n provides mol amp; eacute; cute; cuts de amp; Aacute; nucleico, which is used to code the antibody of the invention; oacute; N, the carrier of expui amp; oacute; N, the carrier of expui amp; oacute; N,c amp;Eacute;Lulas Hu Amp;Eacute;Sped and M Amp;Eacute;All for expression of inventory amp;Oacute;N.Tambi Amp;Eacute;N.Proteconjugados,Mol Amp;Eacute;Culas Biespec Amp;IACUTE;Pharmic and Amp;Eacute;Use;Utcas include of inventory Amp;OACE; N. the invention of antibodies; oacute; n may be used as a stimulant, for example, to stimulate or enhance a person's immune response, for example,T espc amp; Iacute; Ant amp; Iacute; gene of lymphocyte is anti-tumor or Ant amp; Iacute; gene virus response. The antibody and ampere; oacute; n tambi amp; eacute; n can be used in combination with CI amp; oacute; n can be processed together with other antibodies (e.g., antibodies of PD-1, PD-L1 and / or CTLA-4), e.g., C amp; Aacute; NCER. Therefore, antibodies can be used in therapeutic and AMP, eacute, uticas, M amp, eacute and other applications; all of these applications can be used to detect protein and AMP, Iacute, Na ICOS lt; / P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA ANTICUERPOS MONOCLONALES AISLADOS (POR EJEMPLO, ANTICUERPOS MONOCLONALES HUMANIZADOS Y HUMANOS) QUE SE UNEN AL COESTIMULADOR INDUCIBLE DE LINFOCITOS T (ICOS) HUMANO Y EXHIBEN PROPIEDADES FUNCIONALES CONVENIENTES DESDE EL PUNTO DE VISTA TERAPÉ;UTICO, POR EJEMPLO, LA CAPACIDAD DE ESTIMULAR LA ACTIVIDAD DEL ICOS HUMANO. TAMBIÉ;N SE PROPORCIONAN MOLÉ;CULAS DE Á;CIDO NUCLEICO QUE CODIFICAN LOS ANTICUERPOS DE LA INVENCIÓ;N