Федеральное бюджетное учреждение науки "Санкт-Петербургский научно-исследовательский институт эпидемиологии и микробиологии им. Пастера" (ФБУН НИИ эпидемиологии и микробиологии имени Пастера) (RU)
Сухобаевская Лариса Петровна (RU),Лаврентьева Ирина Николаевна (RU),Антипова Анастасия Юрьевна (RU)
1. A method for determining the biological activity of measles and rubella viruses associated with the production of drugs, comprising determining the infectious titer of production strains, characterized in that for the determination of the infectious titer of rubella virus or measles virus using cell lines Rk-13 (rabbit kidney transplanted cell line, collection of the Research Institute Virology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of influenza RAS SPBIC) or L-41 (line transplanted human bone marrow cells, leukemia patient, collections Institute of influenza RAS SPBIC), respectively. 2. A method for determining the biological activity of measles virus and mumps in production associated preparations, characterized in that for the determination of the infectious titer of production strains use the cell line Vero (transplanted African green monkey kidney cell line, collection of Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Influenza RAS SPBIC) or MA-104 (immortalized embryonic kidney cells of rhesus monkey, a collection of Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of influenza), and the definition of an infectious virus titer measles spend direct cytopathogenic effect of the virus on the cells, and the mumps virus by gemadsorbtsii.3. A method for determining the biological activity of measles viruses, mumps and rubella, characterized in that for the determination of the infectious titer of the production strain of rubella virus using a cell line Rk-13 and to determine the titre of infectious virus production strains of measles and mumps use or Vero cell line MA- 104, and the determination of the infectious titer measles virus is carried out on the direct1. Способ определения биологической активности вирусов кори и краснухи при производстве ассоциированных препаратов, предусматривающий определение инфекционного титра производственных штаммов, отличающийся тем, что для определения инфекционного титр