Eukariotyczny wektor ekspresyjny kodujący ludzką angiopoetynę-1 i ludzki czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego, sposób jego wytwarzania oraz zastosowanie
the invention relates to eukariotycznego vector ekspresyjnego, encoding human vascular endothelial growth factor and human angiopoetyn\u0119 pires \/ angpt1 \/ vegf165, based on two cdna fragments, formed from plasmid pires, containing a cdna for angiopoetyny - 1 total long in 1533 pz.covering sequence from - to + 13 according to the sequences deposited in the gene bank 1490 under number nm _ 001146 (angpt1) and fragment vegf165 cdna to total length of 1251 pz, covering sequence from 394 to + 818 according to sequence deposited in the bank of genes under number nm _ 003376 (vegf).in addition, both for vegf165 cdna fragment, and a cdna for angiopoetyny - 1 represent sequences coding for these genes, containing atg at codon as the signal to begin the process of translation, in addition to vegf165 cdna fragment contains at codon tga and cdna for angiopoetyny - 1 at codon that g.process for the production of eukariotycznego vector ekspresyjnego also revealed, in which is angiopoetyny cdna sequence for - 1. then is reverse transcription reaction with oligo (dt), polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification and cdna fragments for angiopoetyny - 1, which wklonowuje to plasmid vector psc - b - amp \/ kan using topoisomerase and.the dna construct is introduced into competent escherichia coli bacteria, ekspresjonuj\u0105cych rekombinaz\u0119 cre. what is a fragment of cdna for vegf165, vector pires \/ angpt1 digests involving enzyme noti, and embodied in the vessel part for vegf165 cdna into cloning vector pires b in place.the invention concerns also apply eukariotycznego ekspresyjnego vector encoding human angiopoetyn\u0119 - 1 and human vascular endothelial growth factor, pires \/ angpt1 \/ vegf165, for the manufacture of drug therapy for patients with critical limb ischemia intramuscular lower ora of patients with difficult to goj\u0105cymis wounds.Wynalazek dotyczy eukariotycznego wektora ekspresyjnego, kodującego ludzką angiopoetynę i ludzki czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka n