The proposed technical solution relates to a transport and process machines which can be used, including in agriculture as an agricultural tractor or chassis for various agricultural and transport works on various soils, especially with a small load capacity.Transport-technological machine mainly for agricultural purposes comprising a frame that is functional in ultra low tire pressure vnutrishinnogo, including from 5 to 30 kPa, at least one bridge in which is formed a leading, engine, transmission, hydraulics, according to the utility model on it is mounted, and \ or is hung, and \ or hitched machine for planting or tilling machine, such as a plow , cultivator or harrow, or a machine for fodder, or planting machine, or a machine for irrigation or cutting unit machine, or a machine for cultivation and \ or potato harvesting, or a machine for cultivation of sugar beet, or a machine for processing and sorting of collected product, or ryskivatel or fertilizer spreader or mower, or a drinker and \ or a feeding trough for animals, or process equipment, such as drilling rig or hoist, or hammer, or an electric and \ or equipment as hardtops for the team of repairmen, for example, emergency services and \ or for medical or device to carry passengers, and \ or animals and \ or freight, and have a functional link with the engine and \ or the transmission and \ or gdrosistemoy, nzpf 1, 2 Fig ..Предлагаемое техническое решение относится к транспортно-технологическим машинам, которые могут быть использованы, в том числе в сельском хозяйстве в качестве трактора или сельскохозяйственного шасси для выполнения различных сельскохозяйственных и транспортных работ на различных грунтах, особенно с малой несущей способностью.Транспортно-технологическая машина преимущественно сельскохозяйственного назначения содержащая раму, функционирующую на шинах сверхнизкого внутришинного давления, в т.ч. от 5 до 30 кПа, по крайней мере, один мост у которой выполнен ведущим, двигатель, трансмиссию, ги