Safety quick-refill compact pump (11) for administering drugs, comprising: a motor-driven electromechanical actuator (13) electronically controlled by a programmable electronic unit and adapted to cause bi-directional axial sliding of an extendable sliding rod (81) which at least partially protrudes from a casing (17) enclosing said actuator (13) and carries at its head a pusher (85) adapted to cause axial sliding of a plunger (109) of a cylindrical reservoir or container (101) containing a liquid drug and equipped, at an end thereof, with a pierceable membrane (105), said actuator (13) being further externally provided with a first connecting portion (23) of a male-female connecting joint (23,25) at least partially surrounding said sliding rod (81); an elongated cylindrical container (15) provided with a second connecting portion (25) of said male-female connecting joint (23, 25) and firmly associatable to the actuator (13) by means of said second, complementary connecting portion (25), and defining, at its inside, a cylindrical chamber (27) axially extending about the sliding axis of the sliding rod (81) when said actuator (13) and container (15) are associated with each other, and arranged to receive within it said cylindrical reservoir (101), said container (15) being provided, at a first end thereof, with an opening (31) as inlet for the reservoir (101) and, at its opposite end, with a duct (21) for transporting the drug contained within the reservoir (101) to the outside of the container (15); a hollow piercing element (19) oriented towards the inside of the chamber (27) and defining said duct (21) so that, when the reservoir (101) is housed within the chamber (27) and the container (15) is firmly associated with the actuator (13) by means of the male-female joint (23,25), said piercing element (19) is in fluid communication with the inside of the reservoir (101), wherein said piercing element (19), said container (15) and said second connecting portion (25) c