The utility model purpose is provided in what a kind of can stimulate human acupoint and channels and collaterals, magnetic therapy group is performed acupunctures with stone needles in the qigong for the effect of reaching qi and blood smoothness, health, diseases prevention, its technological means includes: at least one to have a high magnetic qigong stone acupuncture needle ontology, qigong stone acupuncture needle ontology include one be the columnar part of multi-faceted column, at the Ji Yishe what columnar part top side face be in bullet-shaped magnetic therapy portion.本新型目的在於提供一種能刺激人體穴位和經絡,達到氣血通順、養生、防病之功效的氣功砭磁療組,其技術手段包括:至少一具有高磁性的氣功砭本體,該氣功砭本體包含有一為多面柱體的柱狀部、及一設於該柱狀部頂側面處呈子彈頭狀的磁療部。