Device for Guiding and fixing supporting cables of plants, in particular for rows of Vines, the device comprising at least a pair of vertical stanchions, where each pair of cables connected with a lateral restraint is further provided with a vertical stanchion Guide to make a Slide fixing element to at least one cable.
Guide and fastening device for plant support wires, in particular for rows of grapevines, the device having at least one pair of vertical upright elements, fastened to a head pole and provided with longitudinal guides within which are made to slide fastening elements for the lateral containment wires for the growing vegetation. To each pair of upright elements for the lateral containment wires is associated a further vertical upright provided with a guide within which is made to slide a fastening element for at least one carrying wire.<;p>;DISPOSITIVO PARA GUIAR Y FIJAR CABLES DE SOPORTE DE PLANTAS, DE SIMPLE Y RÁ;PIDA INSTALACIÓ;N, EN ESPECIAL PARA HILERAS DE VIDES, PARA APROVECHAR MEJOR LOS EXTREMOS DE LAS HILERAS, QUE COMPRENDE AL MENOS UN PAR DE MONTANTES VERTICALES, FIJADOS A UN POSTE PUNTAL (PT) Y PROVISTOS DE GUIAS LONGITUDINALES (2) DENTRO DE LAS CUALES SE HACEN DESLIZAR ELEMENTOS DE FIJACIÓ;N (3) PARA LOS CABLES LATERALES DE CONTENCIÓ;N (FC) DE LA VEGETACIÓ;N. CADA PAR DE MONTANTES (2) PARA LOS CABLES DE CONTENCIÓ;N LATERALES ;(FC) ESTÁ; CONECTADO A UN ULTERIOR MONTANTE VERTICAL (6) PROVISTO DE UNA GUÍ;A EN LA CUAL SE HACE DESLIZAR UN ELEMENTO DE FIJACIÓ;N (7) PARA AL MENOS UN CABLE PORTANTE (FP).<;/p>;