Substance delivery punctal plug device and associated methods of treating disorders and diseases of the eye. Several embodiments of the device, dissolution of the substance into the tears and / or other liquid spreading on the front surface of the eye is promoted to the maximum, the loss of material due to the passage of other routes to minimize is while, the delivery of a substance through the front of the delivery or the cornea or the eye of a substance to the anterior surface of the cornea or the eye is enhanced to the fullest. .FIELD 1眼の疾患および疾病を処置する物質送達涙点プラグ装置および関連方法。この装置のいくつかの実施形態により、眼の前面に広がる涙および/または他の液体内への物質の溶解が最大限に促進されて、他の経路の通過による物質のロスが最小限に抑えられながら、角膜もしくは眼球の前面への物質の送達または角膜もしくは眼球の前面を介しての物質の送達が最大限に強化される。【選択図】図1