The invention covers the field of medicine. A method for obtaining of biomaterials consisting in that that after cleaning a bone of natural origin is sawn to plates with the thickness of 0.2 - 2.0 cm, washed twice in the 0.1 M phosphate buffer at 65°C, pH 5.8-6.0 calculated as two volumetric parts of the buffer solution per one part of bone, digested in the solution of activated 0.1-0.4 % papain at 65°C during 24 hours, then the plates are washed with 5 volumes of water at the temperature 40 - 80°C, treated with the 0.4 N alkali solution at the room temperature during 10-24 hours, washed with flowing water, dried, defatted in ethanol/chloroform mixtures first in proportion of 1:2 and then in proportion of 2:1, decalcified in the 0.4-1 N hydrochloric acid, treated with the 1.5-3% hydrogen peroxide during 4 hours, washed with the treated water, then washed with ethanol, dried at the room temperature, packed and sterilized. The material for osteoplasty and tissue engineering obtained on the basis of this method represents a compound in which the native spatial organization of the collagenic matrix and mineral component of the bone tissue of natural origin containing 25% of collagen and 75% of mineral substance is maintained. And according to analysis results of the dry material, it contains less than 1% of non-collagenic proteins.