1. A process for the continuous recovery of the dentition in prosthetics fixed bridge constructions, the installation comprising a residual bone four permanent implants, chosen in accordance with the size of existing bone, characterized in that prior to installation of permanent implants made temporary bridge, which is fixed in the jaw on available natural or artificial support bearing, additionally installed in the fixing zone temporary bridge, at the completion Postoperati ion osteo integration period and permanent implants, and the formation of attached gingiva on protruding parts of the implant set of permanent prefabricated dental bridge with a constant helical fiksatsiey.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the fixing area is a temporary bridge frontal region, in which are arranged lateral incisors, canines and first premolyary.3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the natural supports for installation of temporary prosthesis are klyki.4. A method according to claim. 3, characterized in that after installing a permanent bridge udalyayut.5 canines. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the artificial legs, to set a temporary prosthesis set are further temporary implantaty.6. The method of claim. 5, characterized in that further surgery is carried out by extraction with teeth arranged in the zone of installation of permanent dental implantatov.7. The method of claim. 5, characterized in that after installing a permanent bridge udalyayut.8 temporary implants. A method according to claim. 1-7, wherein1. Способ восстановления непрерывного зубного ряда при протезировании несъемными мостовидными конструкциями, предусматривающий установку в остаточную кость постоянных четырех имплантатов, выбранных в соответствии с размером существующей кости, отличающийся тем, что до установки постоянных имплантатов, изготавливают временный мостовидный протез, который фиксируют на имеющиеся в челюсти естественные опоры или искусственные опоры, дополните