The present Utility Model is an Innovation and Improvement that have Wheels of Cotton Cloth for Polishing Brushes, dental, composed of a strong Central Area,That is the result of the Union of several layers of Cotton Cloth Wheels by means of cyanoacrylate Adhesive that can be in the central part of the Plurality of wheels to form a single PIEZA and build a Plush.This strong central area is what allows that when force is exerted with a Plush Pulp brightness can be achieved to exert enough pressure and speed to get brightness dAnd efficient way. (D epulido discs are a necessary tool in dental prophylaxis for cleaning Scale, Stains, etc.And specifically for Shine and Finish dental restorations that the patient wants.Depending on the treatment required in each case, use of a specific size and level of abrasion.Cotton sows have been an excellent means of dentistry to Shine all Resins used in this profession such as Acrylic Resin provisional prosthesis, and others.However, The Metal Discs with which bind the Pile in the current market, make that the size of the Tools is very large and not flexible.There are deschables and uncomfortable to use in the mouth.This model Solves the problem of the wheels and Polishing discs currently being built with a very soft material with a Greater lead time to obtain brightnessTo create a wheel with a material basis of sows with a Cotton Center. Although it is hard to present no risk of clinical problems for teeth,It is poisble exert More Force with which takes a shine in less time.En el presente modelo de utilidad se realiza una innovacion y mejora que presentan las ruedas de tela de algodon para cepillos de pulido dental, se componen de una zona central fuerte, que es el resultado de la union de varias capas de ruedas de tela de algodón por medio de adhesivo que puede ser cianocrilato en la parte central de dicha pluralidad de ruedas para formar una sola pieza y construir una felpa. Esta fuerte zona central es la que permite que cuando s