ОРЕНШТЕЙН Владимир (IL),ХОВЕРС Леонид (IL),РЕЙДЛЕР Рима (IL),ГРОСМАН Григорий (IL)
1. Installation for recreating the atmospheric and climatic conditions of the Dead Sea, comprising: [a] a parabolic shell defining said device comprising a rear and a reflective inner surface adapted to the effective reflection of electromagnetic waves at least visible and / or infrared part of the spectrum [b ] upper deflecting element in the form of a truncated cone disposed on top of said semicylindrical shell parabolic and comprising a reflective inner surface formed with poss zhnosti effective reflection of electromagnetic waves at least visible and / or infrared part of the spectrum [c] a central portion, comprising: [1] a lower platform provided with a group of supporting elements, lifts the bottom of said lower platform above the base on which said apparatus is placed that It allows air to circulate under said bottom platform [2], a heating unit disposed on top of said bottom platform, and comprising a group of heating elements configured to heat air VTE ayuschego into said heating unit [3] a reservoir of active material disposed on top of said heating unit, and comprising: [i] a lower portion provided with at least one opening, allowing flow into it the heated air from said heating unit [ii] edge wall, retaining the contents of said reservoir [4] the active substance contained in said reservoir and which is a somewhat porous or granular material through which heated air can leak those wherein1. Установка для воссоздания атмосферных и климатических условий Мертвого моря, содержащая:[a] параболическую оболочку, ограничивающую указанное устройство сзади и содержащую отражающую внутреннюю поверхность, выполненную с возможностью эффективного отражения электромагнитных волн по меньшей мере видимой и/или инфракрасной части спектра[b] верхний отклоняющий элемент в форме усеченного конуса, размещенный сверху указанной параболической полуцилиндрической оболочки и содержащий отражающую внутреннюю поверхность, выполненную с возможностью эффективного отражения электрома