The invention relates to an apparatus and a method for treating hypoacusis with bee buzzing, meant for the therapy of the persons suffering from certain hearing deficiencies. According to the invention, the apparatus consists of a microphone (1) which captures the bee buzzing from an active beehive and transmits it to an amplifier (2) supplied through a cable (3) from an external direct current source (4), the signal amplified being transmitted through another cable (5) to a pair of headphones (6) provided with volume potentiometer, which are worn by the patient with hypoacusis. As claimed by the invention, the method consists in introducing a casing comprising a microphone (1) and an amplifier (2) into a beehive, in the area where the activity of the bees is the most intense, introducing a pair of headphones (6) into the patients ears, switching-on a micro-switch of a source (4) which supplies the microphone (1) and the amplifier (2) which emit electromagnetic waves that disturb and even irritate the bees, in order for them to produce a very powerful buzzing within an aggressive sound spectrum range, with a very penetrating frequency for the patients ear and adjacent bone structure, which stimulates the hearing centers of his central nervous system.Invenţia se referă la un aparat şi la o metodă pentru tratarea hipoacuziei, cu zumzet de albine, destinate terapiei persoanelor care suferă de anumite deficienţe de auz. Aparatul conform invenţiei se compune dintr-un microfon (1) care captează zumzetul albinelor dintr-un stup în activitate, pe care îl transmite unui amplificator (2) alimentat printr-un cablu (3) de la o sursă (4) externă de curent continuu, semnalul amplificat fiind transmis printr-un alt cablu (5) la o pereche de căşti (6) prevăzute cu potenţiometru de volum, care sunt purtate de pacientul hipoacuzic. Metoda conform invenţiei constă în introducerea unei carcase, ce cuprinde un microfon (1) şi un amplificator (2), într-un stup de albine, în zona în care