A salt lick block support incorporating a liquid container therein has a mainbody memberhaving a hole in a top surface thereof. A hollow central portion adapted tohold a granularmaterial therein, and a base portion extending outwardly from a lower sectionthereof andincluding a plurality of holes therethrough adapted to allow fasteners thereinto securely holdthe salt lick block support to a chosen surface. A plurality of fastenersadapted to extendthrough respective of the plurality of holes and engage the chosen surface. Aremovablecontainer adapted to hold a liquid therein, has an opening in a top portionthereof, and isadapted to fit and be held in place within the hole in the top surface of themain body member,wherein the removable container further includes a small aperture in a bottomsurface thereofthat is adapted to allow the liquid to pass therethrough in a drop-by-dropfashion.