The present invention relates to improved biocide compositions based on magnesium fluoride which are suitable for a broad range of applications including surface disinfectants, additives to construction materials and paints, antiseptic medical and cosmetic formulations, as a crop protection product and as a fast-acting disinfectant. The biocide composition of the invention comprise at least the following components: a) magnesium fluoride b) a salicylic acid ester c) at least one organic acid selected from the group comprising or consisting of cinnamic acid, rosmarinic acid, vanillic acid, ascorbic acid, abscisic acid, mandelic acid, mevalonic acid, aspartic acid, salicylic acid, fumaric acid, isocitric acid, gallic acid, quinic acid, boswellic acid, carnosic acid, chlorogene acid, caffeic acid, other hydroxycarboxylic acids, or a salt or ester thereof, or thymol or citronellal. d) a cationic polymer and/or natural sea salt or a synthetic equivalent thereof and/or a cationic tenside, e) water. In preferred embodiments, the cationic polymer is selected from the group comprising or consisting of a poly(alkylene)guanidin or -biguanidin, or octenidin, and the organic acid is cinnamic acid and/or quinic acid.La présente invention concerne des compositions biocides améliorées à base de fluorure de magnésium, qui sont appropriées pour une large gamme dapplications, notamment des désinfectants de surface, des additifs pour matériaux de construction et des peintures, des formulations médicales et cosmétiques antiseptiques, un produit de protection de culture et un désinfectant à action rapide. La composition biocide selon linvention comprend au moins les composants suivants : a) du fluorure de magnésium, b) un ester dacide salicylique, c) au moins un acide organique choisi dans le groupe comprenant ou constitué par lacide cinnamique, lacide rosmarinique, lacide vanillique, lacide ascorbique, lacide abscissique, lacide mandélique, lacide mévalonique, lacide aspartique, lacide