Ищенко Анатолий Иванович (RU),Ищенко Антон Анатольевич (RU),Горбенко Оксана Юрьевна (RU),Колгаева Дагмара Исаевна (RU)
1. A method of surgical treatment of vaginal enterocele and / or rectocele, consists in the fact that in accordance with the state of the pelvic organs and tissues after hysterectomy prior to or during the transaction, along with necessary known steps of strengthening the front, middle portion of the vagina dome and / or cervical patsientkiproizvodyat strengthening the back of the dome and / or posterior vaginal wall, providing elimination enterocele and / or rectocele combined access: laparoscopy and vaginal access, with This is carried typical laparoscopy using two additional trocars visually assess the state of organs and pelvic tissues, visually monitor progress of the operation and, if necessary, performed steps hysterectomy supravaginal region, wherein during operation for ligation, support, suspension and / or stapling tissue organism used, including non-absorbable support and connecting elements, wherein, one or more mesh implants, including a mesh implant with four sleeves , During hysterectomy, the uterus is removed, for this purpose, preferably through the forward set in vesico-uterine folds the abdomen was opened, ligaments and vascular uterine beams on both sides coagulated intersect and ligated in wound degrade the body of the uterus, appendages or without , is cut and removed, monitor homeostasis sutured peritoneum purse string suture, wherein the step of laparoscopy and under its control through two curvilinear conductors from entering space trocars right and left is formed ekstraperit1. Способ хирургического лечения влагалищного энтероцеле и/или ректоцеле, заключающийся в том, что в соответствии с состоянием тазовых органов и тканей после гистерэктомии, проведенной ранее или в процессе данной операции,наряду с проведением необходимых известных этапов укрепления передней, средней части, купола влагалища и/или шейки матки пациенткипроизводят укрепление задней части купола и/или задней стенки влагалища, обеспечивая ликвидацию энтероцеле и/или ректоцеле