Овчинников Николай Дмитриевич,Егозина Валентина Ивановна,Овчинников Дмитрий Николаевич
The method for determining the speed of information-analytical operations (speed of data analysis - AIS) in activity-related structures of the central nervous system of the person according to the assessment of indicators of long-term and working memory and identifying the number of mistakes made when testing with the presentation of the subject specific information, such as information fields (forms) with series of numbers, characterized in that the test information field in the form, for example, images on a display screen or test cards with images two-digit numbers in the range from 11 to 50, arranged in random order, and in the absence of some of the figures of the above range, and examinee is offered as soon as possible to analyze the information field, to determine the numbers present in the field in order of increase (or decrease) to identify missing numbers and mark them in a special list, with the record the total time for the implementation of information-analytical operations opredelyut number of any of the mistakes perception, memory, and analyzes the information field, and the speed of analysis information (SAI) is calculated by the formula: SAI = ({T + T / n · (m · k)} / n- (T-2 · k · n) / n) · k, where: T- total time spent on testing, T- predetermined time measurement of motor responses, n - number of advanced analytical operations, n- number of motor responses over a specified period of time, m - number of committed errors, the correction factor k- taking into account the number of committed errors of perception and memory, k- correction factor that takes into account the complexity of the task and the number of established connections in intracentral WorkerСпособ определения скорости информационно-аналитических операций (скорость анализа информации - САИ) в деятельностных структурах центральной нервной системы человека по данным оценки показателей долговременной и оперативной памяти и выявления количества совершенных ошибок при тестировании с предъя